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Question: A ________can implement more than one interface.
Correct Answer: Class
Your Answer: Method
Question: Casting does not affect the original object or value.
Correct Answer: True
Your Answer: True
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Question: In multithreaded program each part of such program is called :-
Correct Answer: Thread
Your Answer: Thread
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Question: The Stack performs which two function?
Correct Answer: pop( ) , push( )
Your Answer: pop( ) , push( )
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Question: ________ loop repeats a statement or block while its controlling expressions is true.
Correct Answer: While
Your Answer: While
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Question: The Bitwise Logical Operators are :-
Correct Answer: ^ , ^= , <<
Your Answer: & , ^
Match The Following
Question Correct Answer Your Answer
Interface Abtract method Abtract method
Pacakge declaration Package pkg Package pkg
Java.applet. AppletClass AppletClass
AppletJava.applet Java.applet package Java.applet package
Question: Transient variable is variable that may not be serialized.
Correct Answer: True
Your Answer: False
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Question: Java defines ________ integer type.
Correct Answer: Four
Your Answer: Four
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Question: Which statement checks at the beginning of a loop to see whether the next loop iteration should occur?
Correct Answer: While
Your Answer: While
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Question: Modulus operator % can be applied to these data types :-
Correct Answer: floating Point , Integer , Character
Your Answer: floating Point , Integer
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Question: Which are keywords in Java?
Correct Answer: Extends , Synchronized , Sizeof
Your Answer: Extends , Synchronized , Sizeof
Question: Variable in an interface are implicitly final and static.
Correct Answer: True
Your Answer: False
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Question: The argument to which specifies the delayperiod in milliseconds
Correct Answer: sleep( )
Your Answer: sleep( )
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Question: Anything declared ________ can be accessed from anywhere within program.
Correct Answer: Public
Your Answer: Public
Question: Java define eight simple types of data byte, short, int, long, char, float, double, boolean.
Correct Answer: True
Your Answer: True
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Question: There are two distinct types of multitasking. Which are those?
Correct Answer: Process based , Thread-base
Your Answer: Thread-base , Object
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Question: Which of the following is used to get the value of the instance variables?
Correct Answer: Dot Notation
Your Answer: Dot Notation
Question: Integer can Cast to byte value.
Correct Answer: False
Your Answer: False
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Question: What all the run( ) method can do?
Correct Answer: Can call other method , Declare variable
Your Answer: Can call other method , Create object , Create class
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Question: What is a string?
Correct Answer: A combination of characters called as string
Your Answer: A combination of characters called as string
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Question: What are different modifiers?
Correct Answer: Private , Protected , Final
Your Answer: Private , Final , Main
Match The Following
Question Correct Answer Your Answer
The data, or variable, defined Instance variable. Instance variable.
within a class
General form of Cast (target--type)value (target--type)value
Determine the relationship that Relational Operator Relational Operator
one operand has to the other
The secondary versions of the Short-Circuit Logical Operators Comparison operator
Boolean AND and OR operators
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: Java uses which system to store packages?
Correct Answer: File system directories
Your Answer: File system directories
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Question: If omit the package statement, which names are put into defualt pacakge?
Correct Answer: class
Your Answer: method
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Question: Which statement provides an easy way to dispatch execution to different parts of your code based on the value of an _expression?
Correct Answer: Switch
Your Answer: Switch
Question: When you write finalize() method for your class, you are overriding a finalizer inherited from a super class.
Correct Answer: True
Your Answer: True
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Question: After calling start( ) NewThread, constructor returns to ________.
Correct Answer: main( )
Your Answer: main( )
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Question: The default encoding of objects supports the ________ of the classes.
Correct Answer: Evolution
Your Answer: Encoding
Question: The Switch statement can have multiple cases without a break statements between them.
Correct Answer: True
Your Answer: True
Multiple Choice Single Answer
Question: What is a data structure that controls the state of a collection of threads as a whole?
Correct Answer: Thread group
Your Answer: Exceptions
Question: With java Type Casts are checked at both compile-time and runtime.
Correct Answer: True
Your Answer: True
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Question: A ________ is declared by use of the class keyword.
Correct Answer: class
Your Answer: class
Question: Running threads can be suspended, which temporarily suspends its activity.
Correct Answer: True
Your Answer: True
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Question: How to declare an interface example?
Correct Answer: access class classname implements interface.
Your Answer: access class classname implements interface.
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Question: Which thread is created automatically when the program is started?
Correct Answer: Main thread
Your Answer: Main thread
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Question: What are the Logical operators?
Correct Answer: OR() , AND(&) , XOR(^)
Your Answer: OR() , AND(&) , XOR(^)
Question: If the break statement is omited in switch statement, then execution will continue on into the next case.
Correct Answer: True
Your Answer: True
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Question: What can be created by instantiating an object type thread?
Correct Answer: Thread
Your Answer: Method
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Question: ________ is an instance of a class that implements the runnable interface.
Correct Answer: threadOb
Your Answer: threadF
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Question: ________ variables are declared by use of the Byte Keyword.
Correct Answer: Byte
Your Answer: Byte
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Question: When you implement an interface method, it must be declared as :-
Correct Answer: Public
Your Answer: Public
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Question: The explicit drop of an object reference by setting the value of a variable, whose data type is a reference type of ________.
Correct Answer: Null
Your Answer: New
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Question: Which are the two threads of java?
Correct Answer: mainthread( ) , childthread( )
Your Answer: mainthread( ) , childthread( )
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Question: Method definition has four parts, they are :-
Correct Answer: Name of the method , Type of object , List of parameters
Your Answer: Name of the method , Type of object , List of parameters
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Question: The smallest integer type is ________.
Correct Answer: Byte
Your Answer: Byte
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Question: Which are the keywords use in switch statement?
Correct Answer: Case , Default
Your Answer: Case , Default , Exit
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