Sunday, November 29, 2009

Object Oriented Analysis and Design - 17



Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question:A process of identifying, assessing , evaluating risk exposure, prioritizing the

risk incidences, and developing risk monitoring, management and mitigation plan is :-

Correct Answer: Project Risk Management

Your Answer:Project Risk Management


Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question:A Modification of the Software is done to accommodate the changes forced by

the external environment is

Correct Answer: Adaptive Maintenance

Your Answer:Corrective Maintenance


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question:A documentation is tested through :-

Correct Answer: Technical Review , Actual Operational Review

Your Answer:Technical Review , Actual Operational Review , Code


Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question:In Interface Stage of SSAD phase the focus is on:-

Correct Answer: User Comfort

Your Answer:Design of the Output Formats


Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question:A type of testing which verifies that all the system elements are meshed

properly and that overall system function / performance is achieved is:-

Correct Answer: System testing

Your Answer:Component Testing


Select The Blank

Question:A ________ deals with identification and assessment of potential hazards of

software failing and its impact on the systems.

Correct Answer: Software Safety

Your Answer:Software Testing



Question:The Water Fall Model is used where the risk factor is almost nil

Correct Answer: True

Your Answer:True


Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question:A System in which next state of the system can be predicted without doubt is :-

Correct Answer: Deterministic

Your Answer:Open System



Question:Spiral model itself is a model which is base for other software development


Correct Answer: False

Your Answer:True



Question:System testing checks the abnormality in the software system.

Correct Answer: False

Your Answer:True



Question:ISO 9001 is used to develop quality assurance systems.

Correct Answer: True

Your Answer:True


Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question:A type of testing where the focus is on design and development of the software

architecture is termed as:-

Correct Answer: Integration Testing

Your Answer:Module testing



Question:The results of the test case is recorded in the test specification document.

Correct Answer: True

Your Answer:True


Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question:A Principle in which the Functional Cohesion between the sub system is


Correct Answer: Decomposition

Your Answer:Decoupling


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question:SQA efforts most primarily assures:-

Correct Answer: Software Quality , Software Reliability , Software Availability

Your Answer:Software Quality , Software Reliability , Software Availability


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question:The Customer Requirements could be analyzed by:-

Correct Answer: Interviewing , Questionnaire , Meeting with Key Users

Your Answer:Questionnaire , Case Study , Meeting with Key Users


Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question:The extent the software meets the customer quality goals and expectations is

termed as :-

Correct Answer: Correctness

Your Answer:Reliability


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question:The Factors enabling easy change are :-

Correct Answer: Maintainability , Flexibility , Testability

Your Answer:Maintainability , Flexibility , Reusability


Match The Following

Question: Correct Answer: Your Answer:

Development of the Software Software Programs Software Engineering Layers

Corrective Maintenance Analysis Process, Tools & Methods Software Engineering

Layers Software Modules

Requirement Specifications Definition Phase Software Programs


Select The Blank

Question:Cohesion and Coupling is the criteria for measuring ________.

Correct Answer: Functional Dependency

Your Answer:Functional Dependency


Select The Blank

Question:A collection of programs written to service other set of programs and its

functions is called as ________

Correct Answer: System Software

Your Answer:Integrated Software


Select The Blank

Question:________ is a System Engineering approach that is used to define architecture

that enables a business to use Information Effectively.

Correct Answer: Business Processing Engineering

Your Answer:Business Process Models


Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question:The Application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the

development, operation and maintenance of the software is termed as

Correct Answer: Software Engineering

Your Answer:Software Maintenance


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question:RMMM Plan deals with :-

Correct Answer: Mitigation , Monitoring , Management

Your Answer:Mitigation , Monitoring , Management


Select The Blank

Question:In ________Model the risk of the Software development is almost Nil

Correct Answer: Water Fall

Your Answer:Water Fall



Question:Stress Testing is a part of Integration testing.

Correct Answer: False

Your Answer:False


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question:Black Box testing techniques are:-

Correct Answer: Graph Based Testing Methods , Equivalence Portioning , Boundary

Value Analysis

Your Answer:Graph Based Testing Methods , Stress Testing , Boundary Value Analysis


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question:The types of Software are

Correct Answer: Business Software , Embedded Software , System Software

Your Answer:Business Software , Embedded Software , System Software


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question:Following are the data models namely:-

Correct Answer: Hierarchical Model , Network Model , Relational Model

Your Answer:Hierarchical Model , Network Model , Relational Model


Select The Blank

Question:________ is achieved by carving out a module that is responsible for any

unique function and which does not need to interact with other parts of the system.

Correct Answer: Functional Dependency

Your Answer:Functional Dependency


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question:The stages of the Iterative Models are

Correct Answer: Requirement Analysis , System Design , Development Coding & Unit


Your Answer:Requirement Analysis , System Design , Development Coding & Unit



Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question:In a Software Risk Management Risk drivers are :-

Correct Answer: Technology , People , Requirements

Your Answer:Technology , People , Requirements


Select The Blank

Question:________ tests confirms that the needs and requirements are fulfilled on the

deployment platform.

Correct Answer: Beta

Your Answer:Stress



Question:The major resources in the project is people and funds.

Correct Answer: False

Your Answer:False


Match The Following

Question: Correct Answer: Your Answer:

Entity Object which is Uniquely Distinguished Object which is Uniquely Distinguished

Hierarchical Model Tree Structure Tree Structure

Network Model Network Communications Network Communications

Relational Model Data are Linked Data are Linked


Select The Blank

Question:The company should establish a ________ and maintain a documented quality

system as a means of ensuring that it conforms to the specified requirements of ISO.

Correct Answer: Quality System Procedure

Your Answer:Quality Management System


Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question:Who Defines SE as the application of a Systematic, disciplined and

quantifiable approach to the development and maintenance of a Software

Correct Answer: IEEE

Your Answer:ISO - 9001



Question:People, Procedures and Parameters are the Drivers of the Technology.

Correct Answer: False

Your Answer:True



Question:Six Sigma is one of the most widely used strategy for statistical quality

assurance in an industry.

Correct Answer: True

Your Answer:False


Select The Blank

Question:A ________ has to be performed regularly throughout the achievement life


Correct Answer: Risk Management

Your Answer:Risk Management


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question:Work Break Down Structure can also be traced back to ?

Correct Answer: System Requirements Specifications , Requirement Definition &


Your Answer:System Requirements Specifications , Statement of Work , Planning


Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question:A type of testing where the focus is user and user Behavior is:-

Correct Answer: Usage based testing

Your Answer:Usage based testing



Question:A Software solution is evolved in parts as in an incremental fashion in

incremental model

Correct Answer: True

Your Answer:True


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question:System Testing Techniques are :-

Correct Answer: Alpha Test , Beta Test

Your Answer:Alpha Test , Beta Test , Stress Testing


Select The Blank

Question:________ testing confirms that the needs and requirements are fulfilled in the

development environment.

Correct Answer: Alpha

Your Answer:Beta


Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question:In Design Phase at data and data Structure stage the focus is on:-

Correct Answer: Entities and Attributes

Your Answer:Entities and Attributes


Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question:The Extent of effort to locate the error and fix it is :-

Correct Answer: Maintainability

Your Answer:Flexibility


Multiple Choice Single Answer

Question:A process of identifying, assessing , evaluating risk exposure, prioritizing the

risk incidences, and developing risk monitoring, management and mitigation plan is :-

Correct Answer: Project Risk Management

Your Answer:Project Risk Management


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question:RMMM Plan deals with :-

Correct Answer: Mitigation , Monitoring , Management

Your Answer:Mitigation , Monitoring , Management


Select The Blank

Question:In ________Model the risk of the Software development is almost Nil

Correct Answer: Water Fall

Your Answer:Water Fall



Question:Stress Testing is a part of Integration testing.

Correct Answer: False

Your Answer:False


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question:Black Box testing techniques are:-

Correct Answer: Graph Based Testing Methods , Equivalence Portioning , Boundary

Value Analysis

Your Answer:Graph Based Testing Methods , Stress Testing , Boundary Value Analysis


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question:The types of Software are

Correct Answer: Business Software , Embedded Software , System Software

Your Answer:Business Software , Embedded Software , System Software


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question:Following are the data models namely:-

Correct Answer: Hierarchical Model , Network Model , Relational Model

Your Answer:Hierarchical Model , Network Model , Relational Model


Select The Blank

Question:________ is achieved by carving out a module that is responsible for any

unique function and which does not need to interact with other parts of the system.

Correct Answer: Functional Dependency

Your Answer:Functional Dependency


Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question:The stages of the Iterative Models are

Correct Answer: Requirement Analysis , System Design , Development Coding & Unit


Your Answer:Requirement Analysis , System Design , Development Coding & Unit



Multiple Choice Multiple Answer

Question:In a Software Risk Management Risk drivers are :-

Correct Answer: Technology , People , Requirements

Your Answer:Technology , People , Requirements


Select The Blank

Question:________ tests confirms that the needs and requirements are fulfilled on the

deployment platform.

Correct Answer: Beta

Your Answer:Stress



Question:The major resources in the project is people and funds.

Correct Answer: False

Your Answer:False


Match The Following

Question:Correct Answer: Your Answer:

Entity Object which is Uniquely Distinguished Object which is Uniquely Distinguished

Hierarchical Model Tree Structure Tree Structure

Network Model Network Communications Network Communications

Relational Model Data are Linked Data are Linked


Select The Blank

Question:The company should establish a ________ and maintain a documented quality

system as a means of ensuring that it conforms to the specified requirements of ISO.

Correct Answer: Quality System Procedure

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